Feb 11, 2009


In my old job, I tried to inquire the proper contact handle or procedure for office equipment purchase procurement.

It's a banking business that have their own rules to comply with. I know only two persons who work in that bank, a relative of mine and a ex-coworker. I should ask my relative for the information, however he had passed away and I did not attend his bank paid business function related funeral. Therefore the inquiry is redirected to my ex-coworker who happen to be in vacation.

Its just that I was unable to hold my job probation period long enough to see result. The inquiry is already at the bottom line of proper by conversation opening means if not she was my ex-coworker and understand I mean no harm for fastest reply possible. Anyways I thought banks expects their office machine to last working before it is zero valued by book.

Perfect coincidence, perfect irony, perfect scene.

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