Oct 28, 2007


This list characterise chief officials company foundation and valuable positions.

CAO - Chief Anger Officer - Starting from customer assist transforming to counter argue ends up in management, anger management.

CEO - Chief Entertainment Officer - Clown(motivate others) Con(Wordily and trickily) Lie detector(interpret appropriately) Lazy Ass(efficient effectively) Pimp(coordinate multiples, multitasking).

CFO - Chief Fuzzy Officer - On and on and so on with fuzzy logic.

CHO - Chief Hidden Officer - They are only by the coffee maker in the morning, next to the microwave by lunch and in the car about to exit the parking when you just step out of the front door everyday.

CIO - Chief Invisible Officer - The name on intercom that never pick up pages but do reply your email, always offline on IM list and never miss any assignment.

CMO - Chief Moore Officer - Equipped with the most advances office equipments to power up Solitaire or flash games.

COO - Chief Orthodox Officer - Amazing daily routine working schedule that never change with accuracy within minutes.

CTO - Chief Triathlon Officer - There is a weekly outdoor activities sign up board on the outside wall, this week skiing, next week bungee jumping, next hunting, next sky diving, next hiking, next paint balling, next snow board.......

CYO - Chief YouTube Officer - Insufficient blood supply to the brain from corner screen is best reinforced by YouTube video on the adjacent viewable screen.

Welcome to the Internet help desk

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